Why Do You Need UI Consultant
Every app’s development process goes around the user interface and how to make it useful, pleasant and easy to use. It’s exactly the reason to have a UI/UX design expert in your team. But what they do? No one knows, except themselves.
Thankfully, we at ChallengeSoft have some professionals that were glad to share this information with us. Basically, their job on a project consists of 6 stages:

- Meeting of Minds: Talks with stakeholders should be productive and end up with the agreement on the vision from both sides. This common view is based on an understanding of requirements (what functions are must-have) and understanding of business goals.
- User Stories: It’s important to know your users and what they prefer. For that, UI/UX designers do the big research work: persons and their local (ethnographic) research, inspection and interviewing of potential users, including analysis of user stories.
- Investigation: Discovery of more research and analysis for the quality of the future release. It includes: benchmarking, competition and strategy analysis and research.
- Wireframes (Sketching): After collecting of information, it’s time to use it in an action: UI/UX designers are sketching of the concept, interaction design and flow of the process (or system) for your product.
- Mockups: Creating mockups and prototypes could include the biggest dilemmas of the whole development process: it’s about various on how to use the brand’s identity by producing various prototypes till the perfect one will be accepted by the stakeholder. Here’s how mockups of our blog page look like:

6. Front-end Coding: Step of finalization. Here we add interaction of front-end code and ready for new suggestions or further progress steps for the project.
It was a stage of UI/UX. Click here to read more about UX in UI/UX and continue to read for more information about what’s UI does in UI/UX Development Service.
What is “UI” in UI/UX Development Service
User Interface is a product of front end developer and UI/UX designer. Both of these experts do their job by supplementing each other according to the stakeholder’s requirements.
How it Works in the Action:
- Designers got an idea from stakeholders and then create from it;
- Developers put this creativity into front-end code;
- During the whole process, three of them (stakeholder, developer, and designer) take parts in meetings and discussions;
- Everyone is trying to help each other in spending resources of time and effort rationally.

The Role of the Interface Developer
The role of the interface developer is to turn creative design concepts and ideas for software design into reality using cutting-edge technology. They understand the design of the user interface, both in their practical intentions and in their creative vision, and turn it into engineering software.
At the same time, we can call UI developers a cord between back end and display specialists. Nevertheless, their job is to do everything in their opportunities, for both without compromise but the only a full stack of requirements.
The UI Developer Priorities
The UI developer participates in the design process as an opportunity advisor, that adopts a design created by a UX designer as input, understands it, knows enough to evaluate it, works through disadvantages, translates a project idea into a real product.

As we see, UI Development is a difficult process that needs the right solutions on-demand and possibilities for deployment in further stages. It brings us to such a phenomenon as UI Consulting and it’s time to find out what is that!
UI Consulting: What’s and Why’s
The UI (User Interface) authority in the performing and interaction with the product, service or website. A proper interface expert in UI advice adores advanced technologies and has scrupulousness characteristics.
This type of consultation is useful for your company because the expert can assist your business in phases and situations that belong to user interface design. We know this as a fact and can deploy a qualified professional for you to hire. Contact us for it.
Remember those 6 stages UI/UX Design Process? Well, surprisingly, UI Consulting has very similar stages, as a result of participation at every step of UI/UX on the project: design and development, but, the difference is in the point of view and duties. Here’s 6 of UI Consulting:

- Expanded User Research: UI Consultants take part in creating of user stories and, however, they do an analysis of interactions. Likewise, this stage consists of brainstorming and interviews with a focus group.
- Sketches, Mockups, and Prototypes: UI Consultants engage in these processes to make a conceptual skeleton for a product and build process flow for successful interactional design.
- Finalizing for Code: As UI Consultants are also technical experts, they do code interactions for front-end. Also, they catch and work with feedbacks and do interactions with UX deliverables.
- Business Orientation: To make the work productive and successful, UI Consultants need to collect all suggestions and requirements from stakeholders. It will help to form ap business objectives.
- Analytics: The UI Consulting Analytics includes: testing, quality analysis, perform competitive analysis and identifying of metrics.
- Brand Identity: UI Consultants find and work with the identity of a brand. Over and above, they syncing it with the UX scheme and resemble interactive prototypes.
All this information helps us to create a vision of what do UI Consultants do for a product and what skills they should have.
What Does UI Consultant Will Do for a Product
If you are an employee who just wondering what does the person on UI Consultant post does at your workplace then here’s a simple answer:

UI Consultant Skills and Duties
But if you are thinking to involve one of those, then let’s get deeper to UI Consultant skills and duties:
- Conduct custom research, including balancing user goals and product features and tasks, understand qualitative and quantitative research, determine who should participate in user interface research, use best practices for user interviews, analyze observations, and gain stakeholder interest through research users.
- Build the UI Development Process from a manager perspective.
- Identify the initial project architecture, including contextual scenarios, workflows, visual submission, key features and interactions, nomenclature, platform and framework selection, data requirements, and test infrastructure.
- Have a release and post-release plans.
- Understand the business value and specify it, along with approving it in every requirement to the project.
- Assemble a UI team that would be useful for the project.
Still, have doubts about UI Consultant? Maybe it’s not in vain… You can always contact ChallengeSoft to get the right decision.