Purpose of UI/UX Consultant
The answer to the fast releasing of Interface is simple – UI/UX Consultant. These experts, like guard angels, of each Interface Production Stage: design and development. But what, how and why? Well, let’s make Interface Development more clear before going straight to the UI/UX Consultation.
Interface: 9 Stages of Development
What do we mean when we use the definition of the interface? It’s everything that could be seen or/and used on your device’s screen. It could be data, news, instruction or even interaction. This meaning includes websites, presentation panels, mobile, and desktop applications.

Now, when we are got to know each other, let’s find out how to deal with it. More exactly: 9 phases for the successful full-stack development of an Interface:

At the start of not even interface development but work at the project, the team has many questions like:
who is the end-user of the interface;
on what conditions should team be well-know;
what risks do we have and how we can solve them?
To answer them all, we need to do research on the whole product’s information, analyze competition and get to know the target group.
Use Cases
At this stage, we are trying to predict users’ steps and ways how to solve requirements. Every interface has a list of requirements, like this one:

Interface Structure
The list of steps in the previous step is the basis of the interface structure. The number of screens, their erection, and position in the general structure become known.

Interface Prototyping
The stage of all puzzles being put in one picture.
If it’s not a simple mobile app or a small website, this stage has its background: mock up. the project’s mock up is a simplified, diagrammatic representation of connected to each other screens that help us to visualize what’s happening with the interface. The mock up version shows every section and its statement, descriptions, such as news feed listing or titles.
By using mock-ups, the team gets a clue about project scope, along with how much of the data must be on the interface screen. Also, the team will know how long does it take the user to the needed page. Then, the next step is the final mock up, where features and the layout of page elements are connected and projected invariant, but not for releasing display yet.
The display step is about pictures, icons, and colors. So when the project reaches the development stage, the team will have an opportunity to analyze the “overlap”, complement and interact with each other.
Stylistics Construe
It’s a stage when we meet such a tool as a mood board.
Mood board – it’s not only an illustrations pack but also a set of fonts, website pages, along with buttons. It’s a useful tool in creating the stylistic selection. The Mood board is a design idea base.

Design Idea
It is the first but confident step closer to the prospective view on the project’s interface. Here we finally span stylistics with the content of the project’s interface.
To make the idea become something bigger, it should have the right presentation. The Design Idea is usually conferred in any size. It is important is to minimize the used time for it.
Commonly, this presentation consists of 1-3 interface screens. And don’t forget about 2 Design Idea “If-s”:

Screens Design
This step has a rule:

The plan of all screens design consists of every feature that could be the reason for conflicts occurring.
So here’s a checklist of what you should be in your screens design plan:

As a result, your plan should be looked like a prototype in schemes. All developed screens are put together in the prototype. We are doing it for further work with the almost accurate interface without resorting.
Interface Animation
So, we are still working on screens design. At this stage, we are trying to reach the goal of well-done video performance.
Interface Animation could be successful in production from the designers and developers’ collaboration. Considering this, without creative aces who work with visuals to be user-friendly, technical experts won’t come to quality results.
Preparation Materials for Developers
If you are on this stage then congratulations: you did the whole thing just before developers will take it for production! That’s why here’s another useful checklist for you:

We have seen the whole experience of interface development but still have a question: who is UI/UX Consultants and what they do? Let’s find out!
Who is UI/UX Consultant
For those who have to deal with this earlier, this profession could be difficult to understand. It’s fine. This role is new for a lot of companies, and, that’s why everyone in one team can have a different understanding of what this person does.
Simply put, “UI/UX consultant” refers to technical
Benefits of UI/UX Consultant
In conclusions, ChallengeSoft team decided to show you the UI/UX Consultant main benefits of having that will be valuable in building of user-friendly interface:

Out of public view
In this article, we were talking about experts with a high level of skills and knowledge. The strata of it are their background. In our case, many UI/UX consultants were graphic designers in the past. It explains why they are used visual elements, but also well known with usability testing. Nevertheless, some technical people came with development experience and skillful information architecture, for example.
After all, those qualifications have something in common:

Committed Designer: UI/UX Consultants know design way around on such a high level that they are always ready for productive collaboration work with a team of software development.
Mobile and Web Participation: UI/UX Consultants inspire their customers and partners, combining best practices, current trends and our years of experience. They want to help you improve your engagement and stifle competition.
UI/UX Consultants participate in providing a great and effective application that meets end-user expectations using data-driven design methods and years of experience.
Analysis: good UI/UX Consultants will give you an honest opinion and will offer the most innovative and reasonable methods.
Do you still have doubts about hiring the UI/UX Consultant and have a successful Interface release? Write to us!