What IT Company Does for Business Process Automation
Our experienced ChallengeSoft developers have seen a lot of small and big businesses. The most common thing from both types was the issue of micromanagement in running a business: it needs a lot of time and effort which is a quite simple formula for spending more resources.
Such method could be easily described as digitalization on any level in every business strategy. Definitely, the whole conversion is still not found. Today’s job positions require digital features that can easily complete some kinds of processes.
What is Automation of Business Process?
In general, we can separate processes into two types in business transactions. One of the types is recurring one. That is a daily work that requires the latest information and skills. Second, jobs that require interference to be completed.

In general, businesses need several rules-driven features to run smoothly. Repeated assignments, which are governed by pre-established guidelines, business process automation could be adoptive. This feature get the progressive workflow. So, we can develop the existing workforce to be supplied with a better result in both functional and operational aspects.
How to Choose the Right Way to Automate your Business
Business Process Automation points to your significant actions and supports minimizing people by dismissing staff for verification of the higher level. Customers are happy, so you can help negatively along with cutting down of human mistakes. Business process automation can achieve the making decisions with clarity in real time and human interaction.

The Elements of Business Process Automation
Commonly, business process automation includes such three elements:
Business part: its rules and logic;
Structured data;
Unstructured data.
If we are taking business part as an element (its rules and logic), it covers conditions, reasons, data which support the parameters of your company. Part of this logic is fully automated, while other parts could be viewed by those involved.
Structured data as an element where you refer the information for the process update. It is organized, detected by search engine algorithms, just as it is displayed in fixed fields in all files. So, structured data is generated by machines.
However, there is more difficult and subjective for the text data: unstructured data. This kind is actually very important: some parts of business strategy are made up from unstructured information. Clearly, it’s a data from, for example, social media, and is difficult to place in a structured format of columns and rows for easy retrieval along with analysis.
Business process automation can address the following aspects of process design:

3 Benefits of Automated Business Process
Obviously, there are more than three benefits. Nonetheless, we want to show you the general perks of business automation:

Less Human’s Fault: we are all only humans that could make mistakes despite consecration or big salary of your workers. It could be something like forgetting something, like, the email will be left unsaid. The right software will remind you of your tasks on a regular basis.
Happy Employee: Anyone who has ever held an internship knows that often robotics tasks are terrible for motivation and job satisfaction. No matter how you look at it, no one is going to enjoy the hectic work all day. If such things are programmed, you are both happy and employees.
Work Value Appreciation: automation of unprofitable processes give your workers an opportunity to find time for task that are on demand. So they can focus on their field, which makes new opportunities and brings better profit.
Case Study of Successful Business Processes Automation
After reviewing of a theory, let’s get closer to the automation from practical perspective. We at ChallengeSoft have done a lot of projects that have the main challenge: increase of business output. Nevertheless, let’s talk to our CTO Kristina, about her experience with business automation. Her case was Aston Martin factory automation.
The company used paper for instructions for workers for many years. The inspector had to go with these documents and check every detail on them, so the worker had to always carry on a lot of paper documents. An admin panel was also created in which the administrator could add, edit, delete the necessary instructions.
What was a priority for customers?
Convenient UI, so everything will look great and be readable and clickable for everyone who sees such technology for the first time.
To what type would you attribute the automation of your case?
I would say Process Automation since this app was build to make the inspecting parts more simple and spare it by inspectors.
What were the difficulties?
There were two main challenges:
This app was made for a Windows tablet, at the time when hybrid JS technologies poorly supported Windows (in particular, Ionic);
In the release, the application was used inside a closed corporate network. Ionic, in turn, works through a proxy that cannot work with closed networks, so we had to wrap a working application in Electron.
What feedback did you get?
The client was pleased with the result. All the wishes and preferences of the customer were taken into account and implemented during the development of the project. The app has been using it to this day.
With this experience, what types of businesses do you think must be programmed?
In my opinion, nowadays successful business should have 2 important components:
good marketing;
the work digitalization.
Automation of work can be very different from the delivery of food and the possibility of pre-orders in cafés and restaurants, or the automatic formation of an order for ending goods in stores, to large factories such as Aston Martin.